Essential Tips for Troubleshooting Common Furnace Problems Before Calling for Repairs

During the colder months, a fully functioning furnace is essential to keep your home warm and comfortable. However, furnaces, like any other home appliance, can occasionally experience issues that result in poor performance or even complete shutdown. Although many problems require professional intervention, having a basic understanding of some of the most common furnace problems and possible troubleshooting steps can prove invaluable. As a family-owned and operated air conditioning and heating company, we believe that empowering homeowners with essential troubleshooting knowledge can help them make informed decisions when faced with furnace issues.

We Fix It Home Services will discuss the most common furnace problems, from minor inconveniences to more severe issues that require immediate attention. We’ll share some essential troubleshooting tips that can help you diagnose and potentially resolve these issues without resorting to professional assistance. However, we’ll also emphasize the importance of recognizing when it’s necessary to call in our skilled technicians for repairs to ensure the safety and proper functioning of your furnace.

1. Furnace Not Producing Heat

One of the most common furnace problems homeowners may experience is a lack of heat production. Some potential causes and troubleshooting tips for this issue include:

Thermostat Settings: Ensure the thermostat is set to “heat” mode and the desired temperature is higher than the current room temperature. Simple thermostat adjustments may be all that’s needed to rectify the issue.

– Clogged Air Filters: A dirty or clogged air filter can restrict airflow and limit your furnace’s ability to heat the home. Regularly check and replace air filters according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

– Circuit Breaker: Verify that the furnace’s circuit breaker isn’t tripped. If it has, reset the breaker. However, if the breaker continues to trip, it’s essential to call our technicians for a thorough inspection, as this could indicate a more severe electrical problem.

2. Benefits of a New Gas Furnace

A furnace that cycles on and off frequently can be frustrating and may also waste energy. Some possible causes and solutions include:

Thermostat Issues: Ensure the thermostat settings are correct, and there’s no interference from drafts or other heat sources that might cause false readings.

– Air Filter Replacement: As previously mentioned, a clogged air filter can restrict airflow and cause the furnace to cycle intermittently.

– Airflow Imbalance: Check registers and vents for obstructions that could impede airflow, and make sure all vents are open to maintain balanced airflow throughout your home.

If these steps don’t resolve the issue, it’s time to contact our professionals to inspect and diagnose the problem further.

3. Strange Sounds Coming from the Furnace

Certain noises originating from your furnace may indicate specific issues that require attention. Some common sounds and their possible causes are:

– Rattling: Loose panels, screws, or ductwork can cause rattling sounds. Tighten any visible loose components to reduce the noise.

– Whistling: Whistling sounds often result from small gaps in the ductwork. Carefully inspect the ducts for gaps and use foil tape or mastic sealant to seal any identified gaps or leaks.

– Grinding or Screeching: These noises can be a sign of a failing blower motor or fan. In these cases, it’s crucial to call our technicians to inspect and repair the problem before further damage occurs.

4. Furnace Ignition Problems

Ignition problems can prevent your furnace from producing heat reliably. Furnaces typically use one of two types of ignition systems — hot surface igniters or spark igniters. Here are some troubleshooting steps to consider:

– Hot Surface Igniters: If your furnace utilizes a hot surface igniter, inspect it for visible signs of damage, such as cracks or fractures. If you notice any damage, do not attempt to repair it yourself. Instead, call our technicians for a safe and professional replacement.

– Spark Igniters: For furnaces with a spark igniter, ensure that the spark gap is clean and appropriately spaced. If you’re unsure how to adjust the spark gap, contact our professionals for assistance.

5. Inadequate Heating Performance

Sometimes a furnace may produce heat but struggle to maintain the desired temperature. Some possible causes and solutions for this issue are:

Thermostat Issues: Check the thermostat to confirm it’s set correctly and working accurately. If the thermostat is malfunctioning, it may need replacement or calibration.

– Uneven Air Distribution: Examine ductwork, registers, and vents throughout your home to ensure proper airflow and reduce drafts.

– Leaky Ducts: Leaking ducts can be a common cause of inadequate heating performance. Inspect the ducts for signs of leaks or damage and seal any visible gaps.

If your furnace still underperforms after these troubleshooting steps, it’s time to call our expert professionals to further investigate and resolve the issue.


A basic understanding of common furnace issues and the troubleshooting steps you can take before calling for professional help can prove essential in maintaining a comfortable home and saving on unnecessary repair costs. However, it’s essential to recognize when the assistance of our skilled technicians is required to ensure the safety and proper functioning of your furnace.

Always prioritize safety and don’t hesitate to contact our expert technicians at We Fix It Home Services when you feel you’re facing a more complex issue beyond your ability to troubleshoot. By knowing when to call for professional furnace repair in Florence, you can ensure that your furnace operates efficiently and reliably, keeping your home comfortable and warm during the colder months.